≈ Agricultural Wellness Resort ≈
& Wholistic Lifestyle Community

“Prosperity is the Ability to Fully Experience Life
Project Thrive is a global spiritual wellness initiative by World Prosperity Network, a private Eleemosynary Society. We are a charismatic collective of individuals, entrepreneurs, innovators, thought-leaders, families, and world-changers dedicated to ascension and improving the world.
We aim to create modern utopian paradises for our members to learn, heal, connect, ascend, and thrive. Tribe Members come together to collaborate on Soulutions and projects to improve the world. Our properties are designed to invigorate health, revitalize mind-body-spirit, and elevate the quality of life for all.

Crowdfund Begins:

Project Thrive consists of modern wholistic wellness real estate properties and resort communities constructed with biophillic materials that protect and enhance the health of its occupants. Visitors can access experiences like beneficial field technology, Aromatherapy, Water Therapy, Stone Therapy, Salt Rooms, Infrared Light Therapy, and Organic Vegan and Plant-Based Foods grown on the property in an environment that enhances and promotes a healthy, vibrant and abundant lifestyle.
Our properties include fresh food and natural plant medicines grown in our gardens and served in our cafes, farmacies, juiceries, and apothecaries. Visitors will experience rejuvenation of mind-body-and spirit in our virtual and on-site wholistic spa and wellness center, collaborate in our Business Soulutions Center, and enjoy Wholisitc Wellness amenities in our Vacation Resort(s) and work-from-anywhere Housing.

Collaborative Business Center
The Collaborative Business Center will encompass an on-site facility, as well as digital app-based resources for conscious entrepreneurs and business professionals to benefit from mentors, coaching, curriculum, and tools that build, grown, and enhance their enterprise and revenue.

Our Wellness Farmacies, Cafés, Juiceries, and Natural Food Markets will provide various organic options and classes for wellness lifestyle products, including equipment, herbal remedies, medicinal, and food products that are organically produced for healthy results.

Collaborative Live / Work Housing
Modern style residential, commercial, hotel, resort, and villa communities where like-minded people commune in natural habitats that promote learning, growing, healing, and productivity. Homes will be designed to eliminate environmental toxins, incorporating modern, aesthetic designed architecture into live / work surroundings.

Stay Well Resort
StayWell ® vacation centers will embody a lifestyle of Complementary Alternative Medicine, hosting individuals and groups that desire to indulge in wholistic wellness. Dive into the Fountain of Youth, Languish in its Healing Waters, Divulge in Decadent Plant-Based Drinks, Foods, and Plant-Based Alternative Medicines created for health, weight loss, and rejuvenation.

Our Freedom Farms guarantee access to grow, produce, cultivate, purchase, and distribute nourishing produce and plant-based food products, all while supporting cooperative agriculture. This feature teaches people to be self-sufficient, as well as advancing the spirit of prosperity. We will produce natural food and wholistic medicine. We use modern gardening methods to ensure that every individual receives healthy food choices to enhance performance, vitality, and quality of life.

StayWell® International Wellness Resort includes a virtual wellness center for international distribution in an online portal that combines video-on-demand and live-video coaching and appointments. Visitors will experience synergistic wellness principles with rejuvenation, revitalization, dietary, strengthening, and flexibility activities. Meals, supplements, lessons, equipment, and tools that support inner peace and homeostasis.
- Scope of Campaign
- Capital Acquisition Objectives
- Key Project Elements
- Assets
- Use of Funds
- Revenue, Rewards, and ROI
Crowdfund Donors
Avenue to raise money for specific projects within the project and causes as a fiscal sponsor / partner.
- Affordable funding tiers for any donor level.
- Contributor, Beneficiary, VIP, Benefactor, Founding Member, and other level of support.
Primary Crowdfund
- Crowdfund categories: Wellness Products and Services, Farming and Horticulture, Biophilic Communities, Entrepreneurs and Corporate Entities.
- Strategic Efforts to raise $100,000,000.00 to build out work-from-anywhere wellness projects, including ProsperityLand, ProsperCities, The Villages of Prosperity, and ProsperityBNB Houses.
- Create adjoining crowdfunding campaigns, donation portals pages, and subsequent supporter page to include the “who, what, when and where” of the campaign.
- Confirm partnerships for collaborative support and donations outlining specific financial goals
Mobile App (Summer 2022)
Custom Mobile App Designed to Deploy products, services, merchandise to promote and service Project Thrive participants. App will make it easier for donors, sponsors, beneficiaries, service providers and support team to connect, order products and services, manage account balance, and buy/sell/trade Project Thrive tokens.
Description of Capital Acquisition Goals
Project Thrive’s capital acquisition goals are to fund sustainable programs in communities that can benefit from a wholistic lifestyle that supports resident’s health, relationships, and goals. ‘Wholistic’ meaning mind, body, soul, and spirit; describing wellness mentally, emotionally, and financially to encompass the entire being. Project Thrive’s goal is to engage like-minded individuals in this funding campaign, engaging them in creating and addressing solutions to benefit the world economy through conscious entrepreneurs, home builders, and business entities creating effective SOULutions for the the individual, family, and community, collectively.
The primary function of Project Thrive’s programs will be to empower members to achieve their optimum potential while having the ability to contribute to the attainment of our goals of creating both physical and virtual places to work, rejuvenate, and embrace nature while making residual profits and accessing benefits from their collective efforts. These efforts will be achieved by partnering with corporations and other nonprofits to facilitate logistics and project development. The capital acquisition campaign will support programs which target the main challenges of entrepreneurs and holistic professionals such as low business resource level, inability to engage with like-minded associates, toxins in work and living environments, and inorganic nutritional choices. While there are many focal areas of the different interventions this project can focus on, this capital acquisition campaign will include biophilic live / work developments, to address the larger strategic problems. This will entail, among other things:
- Farming and Horticultural Initiatives
- Entrepreneurial and Corporate Skill Building / Support; and,
- Collective Building Developments including Responsible Materials
- Project Thrive will raise money via multiple avenues to fund these ventures and projects. It is typically done via the Internet through one of many crowdfunding platforms. The platforms usually charge a percentage of each donation toward transaction fees and a flat rate fee for using the platform. The platform itself will not make or break a campaign – less than 10% of traffic to a campaign page depends on its listing platform.
- Benefits
- Monetary Gains
- Raising Awareness – raising the profile of “Biophilic Communities” to promote awareness of their benefits and opportunities.
- Instituting Social Change through a private eleemosynary society (World Prosperity Network).
Audience engagement – creating a forum where project management can engage with target audience where audience can design and track progress through app updates from the creators and can share feedback via comment features on the app and site pages
Flexible Funding
- Project Thrive will utilize flexible funding opportunities. All support acquired during the acquisition process will be vested into the project objectives 100% upon disbursement.
- Key Engagement and Project Opportunities
- Project Thrive will leverage the experience and contacts of established nonprofits, corporations, and visionary leaders to engage them to contribute in one form or another in this capital acquisition campaign from a multilevel approach. The very nature of the activities requires a multi-agency approach. The project management team would include an advisory board of directors with at least two members from each supporting organization; notable high-level business owners and/or CEO’s; representatives from Private Sector, and Real Estate Development. Project Thrive will create an internal committee of members will run the social media campaigns, solicit the crowdfunding campaigns, engage media outreach, employ traditional marketing strategies, and implement general project management.
- Proceeds would be distributed as secured amongst the following projects:
- Conscious Business Center and Directory Portal
A digital business resource portal and worldwide business directory highlighting international business opportunities w/ a film and tv studio to create promotional campaigns and educational events on and off site for mainstream promotion
- Virtual and On-Site Wellness Center
An app-based online wellness business portal designed to empower members while providing resources and storefront for holistic products and service providers
- Collective and Community Farming Initiative
An initiative formed to cultivate organic fruits, vegetables, herbs, and more to promote reduced consumption of inorganic and GMO foods that will create an economic base to the community will provide training & tools to the collective farming communities
- Collaborative Live / Work Biophilic Luxury Developments
Detached work / play spaces to community developments including Single Family Residences, Multi Family Developments, Hotel, Resorts, and Villa Communities that incorporate environmentally friendly materials that promote nontoxic living and virus preventative environments that promote personal space and social distancing practices.
- Wellness Farmacy, Café, and Natural Food Stores
Financial offshoots of farming initiative and ‘Farm to Table’ program that creates the opportunity for organic and energy-rich products to be manufactured and distributed to community members and affiliates from local
- Peer to Project Portal
A platform where innovators can solicit members or network partners for support to establish or develop their natural business projects.
Real Estate Portfolio
Project Thrive has already acquired three acreage properties and six residential lots in Southern California, Panoramic Ocean-View Property in Northern California, and Short-Term Rentals in Northern West Virginia and Ohio.
Initial Focus of Property Acquisition will be in the following proposed areas:
North America
San Diego, CA
Orange County, CA
Northern California
South Florida
Costa Rica
Baja California Peninsula, Mexico
*PLEASE NOTE: Locations list and portfolio to be updated periodically. Locations may change due to property sale for capital injection and/or exchange local laws/zoning/permitting, etc.
Use of Funds
Initial seed funds will be used for the following objectives:
- Research and Development Processes: Branding, Marketing, Product Development.
- Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks.
- Property Acquisition
- Organic Farming Components Including Tools and Seedling.
- App, Software, and Virtual Community Integrative Platforms
- Development of Mobile Campgrounds on existing lands to produce additional revenues.
- Crowdfunding Reward Benefits Potential
All levels will receive standard membership, beneficiary certificate, and recognition on the Project Thrive website for the duration of the project. Each advancing level of support also includes the benefits of the previous levels. Levels iii through iv include featured marketing spots and enhanced membership benefits. Level 5 includes your name and company on a tile or plaque installed on the building site, plus VIP inclusion in the dedication ceremony.
Contributing to Project Thrive is a Long-Term Investment.
Benefits to Tokenized Beneficiary Certificate Holders
- Expected ROI in Ten (10) Years
- Ability to buy/sell/trade your beneficiary certificates, which will be tokenized through the app and website(s).
- Tokens are exchangeable for currency via our private exchange.
- Tokens can be traded for products, services, vacation time, and short-term to permananet residences on the properties.
- Value of tokens is tied to the revenue of the project, allowing for inflation of token value and additional service tokens
Revenues Streams
- Ads and Advertising
- Product Sales
- Wellness Provider Services
- Memberships
- LUXRE Home Sales
- Prosperity Business Directory Listings
- Virtual and Physical Events
- Peer to Lending
- Fees on supported projects via crowdfunding portal
- Plant-based food production